Peter ten Hoopen offers a wide range of workshops on diversity, leadership, creativity and innovation, and self-management. All workshops are ready to roll out, but may be customised according to clients requirements.
- Cross-Cultural Competence (CCC)
Global organisations and those acquiring operations abroad all face issues around diversity. How do you get people from different cultural backgrounds to work well together?
Deliverable: Participants are aware of their own cultural preferences, and of issues they may have in interaction with people from other cultures. They will greater respect for people from other cultures, far improving their chances of meaningful interaction, and acquire a lasting understanding of how of a wide range of other preferences held by people from other cultures.
- Leading Creative Organisations
Leading for creativity and innovations is a specific ability that leaders in this day and age require in order to get the most out of the human potential in their organisations. For many, it means taking leave of old habit, acquiring new insights, and developing new leadership behaviour.
Deliverable: Participants have a clear concept of what constitutes creativity in a business context, and of the factors that favour and limit the development of creativity in organisations. They will also have a clear picture of their own potential for improvement, and of the ways to develop this potential for the benefit of their organisations. Suitable as stand-alone workshop or as module in wider program.
- Purpose, Vision, Mission
- Leading Remote Teams
Developed for organisations that heavily rely on remote management. Addresses the fact that traditional 'command and control' type leadership is wholly unsuitable for steering teams from a distance. The actual actors, at the supreme moment of the transaction - in direct interpersonal contact - are in fact sovereign agents. To recognise this fact is key. Once this key has been turned, the door is opened to a new type of leadership based on inpiration, loyalty and collective passion.
Deliverable: Participants will have acquired a conceptual framework and the practical skills needed to work effectively across long distances.
- Bridge Building Technology
- Successful Business in India
- Succesful Business in Europe
- Succesful Business in Indonesia
- Succesful Business in the USA
Comments from workshop participants:
Peter ten Hoopen did a fantastic job in communicating the material -- a very good teacher and communicator, with a lot of very interesting experience to draw on and support his arguments. I was impressed! Participant, Philips.
Great tutor - very experienced, humorous, brings experiences to life, loads of examples, very credible, very engaging presentation. Participant, Royal Bank of Scotland.
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