Peter ten Hoopen N O N - F I C T I O N  leadership and creativity
The Enlightened Leader
Co-authored with Fons Trompenaars
Jossey-Bass, London, Fall 2008. ISBN: 978-0-470-71396-9

Reflections on what constitutes enlightened leadership - and how to achieve it. Anyone who feels that there must be more in the world than chasing ever greater profits will benefit from this challenging exploration of the type of leadership that might justifiably be called ‘enlightened’. The Enlightened Leader introduces a new system, the ‘Chakras of Leadership’, which helps to attain insight in the positive and negative aspects of our own leadership, and presents the business case for a type of leadership that places more emphasis on the profitable application of human energy than on shareholder value - arguing, paradoxically, that in a service/knowledge economy this is actually the best way to improve shareholder value.
Oh, wat zijn we creatief! ('Oh, how creative we are!')
Co-authored with Marleen Janssen Groesbeek
Business Contact, Amsterdam August 2008. ISBN: 978 9047001171

A study on the factors that stimulate and hinder creativity in organisations. Based on web survey in the Netherlands with 850 participants responding to 84 statements and 5 open questions. Finds that creativity is best served by openness towards the ideas of others, and an environment of trust. Also reveals a poignant paradox: organisations are clamoring for more creativity, while doing everything they can to kill it. Many appear to be permeated with fear - a real creativity killer, because in fear people do what they know will work and avoid experiment - and beset with ego issues like 'I listen to the ideas of others, but in the end will push my own'. Survey in English available at Participation for individuals is free, organisations obtain detailed assessments with rich statistics through the author, reachable at Trompenaars Hampden-Turner.

Bespreking op Management Boek.
De verlichte leider ('The Enlightened Leader')
Business Contact, Amsterdam, 2006. ISBN 978 9047001911

 Reflections on what constitutes enlightened leadership - and how to achieve it. The original, more compact work in Dutch that The Enlightened Leader builds on. Introduces the Chakras of Leadership. More on this subject on the site of, a virtual company set up to demonstrate the business case for enlightened leadership and values based management. Related matter also at the Centre for Enlightened Leadership, a think tank in statu nascendi.

Korte tekst op site van Soul Consultants.
Geluk in zaken ('Corporate Happiness')
Business Contact, Amsterdam, 2004. ISBN 9025416136

Subtitled: 'Strategic reflections on how to achieve happiness in a business environment. A 'how to' book for managers and professionals who want to achieve true success in their lives. One of its main themes is, that what makes people happy, is what makes organizations 'happy': being true to yourself and opting to do only what you can do wholeheartedly.

Beschrijving en reacties op site van Soul Consultants.
De kunst van het schrift ('The Art of Script') Co-authored with Ewald Vanvugt.
Commissioned by IBM, 1987.

An historical overview of the development of script around the world, richly illustrated - in part with photographs from private collection of images on the theme of communication. Concept, art-direction and final edit by Peter ten Hoopen, research and text by Ewald Vanvugt with additional chapters by Peter ten Hoopen.